Tuesday, June 25, 2019

New days ???

A new day and almost end of June already. The month couldn't been done fast enough .. in my view anyway. June has be filled with nothing but pain, sickness, heartache, tears, sadness, and so on.
each day is a new day to survive.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Don't believe what you see

On the outside looking in.. you see the perfect picture.
On the inside looking out. all you see are the browns,  taste and smell the the bitterness,  and see the worms or whatever is taking over the inside.. and you are clueless.. because we tend to go with what we want to see.. which is not always reality...
We must learn to see the truth  🙉

IDK ~ Lost in translation

I don't even know what to do with  myself right now. So much has been happening.. I cant even seem to keep up sometimes. My health is getting worse, but I am prepared and I have been preparing others  for some time.. so all should be good~  I suppose 

Wednesdays remains

Everyday has wreckage, and if you think otherwise you are only kidding yourself.. or trying to anyway...

What I have learned is @ the end of each day,,, If you think someone will speak for you.. you are wrong.. the only voice we have .. is your own !!!