Friday, November 29, 2019


Taken a couple days ago.. No makeup Wednesday .. before Thanskgiving.. hahahah. Everyday here lately is a no makeup jammie day for me.. who am I kiddin. Been 2 sick etc to even care.. with no reason to do anything.. so why would I .. do anything. No-one around me would notice anyway.. They don't even see when I am having issues or am all fucked up.. I could poison myself and do all sorts of things .. they would never know.. they don't care... But anyway .. here I am.. ~ 

December now knocks...

Can't believe  made it through Thanksgiving.... Indeed! Been crazy to say the least. November has been a blur with so many things.. illness, emotions, dog stuff, house stuff, family shit.. It is a real wonder I am still alive.. despite my prayers and wishes to be gone already. GGGRRR. so, I take it.. the ones above are not done making me suffer yet. Moving on..
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving holiday and were with ones that you love that love you back ! That what it is all about after all !!

lol... this would be my luck of course.. but, with the dogs.. hahahah
Jade finally did her room .. it only took a year... Pink Panther movie on the boob tube.. new cup of coffee brewing.. Phil outside doing something on boat .. as usual.. Jade actually was outta here by 0500 this a.m. and is at work.. Proud of her SEC ESPN job at Auburn.. yay.. but she has court soon and still a few drug classes and a bit of community service still. She was at animal shelter,, that was tooo much for her.. then she got asked to work with homeless and Elderly.. and was going to do Thanksgiving there but didn't.. I don't know what her plan is on finishing that time up.. I am sure she will pull something outta her hat at the last hour though.. she always does ! We shall see.. That all still in progress.. but for the most part she is doing better with stuff... IDK.. it just is.. I will not question her or what and how she does her stuff  anymore.. I cant keep up with her.

Luke been going to vet more.. hard this time of year.. because its almost been a year since Bo.. but like is on meds for eye issue. thyroid meds.. he has small thyroid problem.  and they have him of Doggie Ibuprofen for other stuff. He is ok.. He is just ggrrr as usual.  Pooter  and him been keeping me busy. Pooter always a jerk about stuff.. My curse.. to have things simple and easy would be just to perfect in my world.
This was a small catch up I suppose.. Gotta get my coffee and figure out my next move.. TOOTLES

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Blue Saturday

My health just gets worse and so does my attitude. I am just so over all of it..

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Day 6 of Thankful November.. lol ok ~

Halloween Party ✓  Halloween ✓✓  and moving right along to another Month of bullshit and mayhem. I am still sick.. Phil is still Phil.. Jade well she's
herself and still rides the border line.
My health sucks.. I am very negative right now.. so much shit and so sick I am just ready to go already. Hate it.. Hate it Hate it !