Today is Friday and whooptee shit. The last few days in my world have been so upside down.. I was not even sure what day it was etc.
The weather has been nuts , people have been nuts.. I have been so very sick throwing up, cold stuff, and so many other things. I have bug bites and tick bites making me very ill.. I have not been getting much rest.. and with other stuff like mouth issues.. broken toe.. and all the other stuff dealing with right now.. I am just ready to pull out all my hair.
The dogs are so much right now on me plus all the medical care with Bo right now and not having any help at all is been a huge huge challenge on me. Hubby in GA, daughter lives here but never here and when she is ..she is sleeping or chillin in her dirty room. LOL
NO seriously.. her area is nasty.. needs to clean that shit big time. With her mess, her car, work, going places.. sports ,, etc..she hasn't been on top of shit.. and I keep getting sick and sicker..Trying to get her to clean her room, clean her car, help me clean.. change clothes when she comes in from work, or being out anywhere.. cuz she brings in so many germs to me... It's just a constant struggle unless I were to live in a bubble.. some times I wish I did.. I would not have to deal with this and constant shit and cleaning on my own and deal with all the stress and crap ~