Thursday, November 29, 2018

Another day raining in my "Neck of the Woods"

Why must the same shit happen every damn day? I don't get it..
Just wanting to get a frikkin hamburger takes hours .. if AJ is involved that is~
Earlier I just wanted to  submerge in the bath water and fade away.. the only reason I didn't was the dogs would be left behind.. wondering WTF momma.. WTF Grammy? 
So.. we texted and she on way.. but why still will it take hours? why cant she just stop.. why cant she change? why cant she be truthful and if she says she's gonna go get something.. just go get.. bring it home to me.. then take back off to do her all day secretive BS? 
Why all the excuses? WHY WHY FUCKING WHY ?
I am so done with that BS..