Wednesday, November 14, 2018

I'm not crazy.. you are !

Folks do not ever let anyone ever tell you that Thanksgiving is the 3rd Thursday in November regardless of date.. and make you think you are nuts.. IT IS THE 4TH ~ Since declared way back in the day... by a Founding Father or someone... lol
It is ALWAYS the last Thursday in November... !! Period ! end of story.. lmao
Yes, I was telling my daughter, that regardless of date.. the day is always the same and my hubby corrected me and said 3rd Thursday.. After that much followed, but I did finally see I was correct and am now deciding whether to tell him to buff up on his History and Holiday dates or just let it go.. HHHMM... what to do ?? IDK.. I shall let it play out.. but I am not crazy folks.. THE GOOD NEWS.. I AM NOT CRAZY !!! 🙆