Monday, December 17, 2018


Most people that have diseases that are unseen .. like me.. think they have to go unheard and ignored.. like I do.. but I am here to tell you.. you need to be strong, You need to be heard, people are stupid.. they don't get it.. speak out and speak loud. Stand up for you, because no one else is going to !!
When you get barked at for not going to bed .. when others do .. because your insomnia is so bad.. don't let them make you cry and feel guilty.
When they are always on their phones, electrical devices,, etc and 
you never say a word.. then when you get on yours... they treat you like dogshit and as if you don't have a life and shouldn't be on your phone.. stand your ground.
When you get yelled at, laughed at,  or teased.. for speaking backwards or freaking out over stuff being in disarray or backwards.. or get called names.. because you are trying new methods so  you don't get confused or overwhelmed.. speak out.. tell them to deal with it.. explain first your reasons.. but if it still continues and just gets worse.. ignore them.. tell them to screw off.. stop crying.. get mad,, and do what you need to do for you. If you don't. all these feeling and things that you need to say everyday.. get clogged up inside you and you loose not only yourself, but your damn mind.
Its ok to forget stuff.. its ok to make  mistakes.. its ok to struggle.. and if you have no TEAM of support or CIRCLE of love .. and you are on your own.. you have to be strong.. screw them.