Friday, January 4, 2019

4 days in ~

January 4th already and I have lost another few lbs in a just a couple days. Everyone here in the house is sick. I am fighting so hard just to keep my head above water.. but what will happen, will happen. I cant control that any more than the weather or peoples stupidity ! Jus gotta take it as it comes and hope that with the bent over screw I am at least given a drop of lubrication.. dry humps are the worst. I am ready of a drop of comfort if I have to endure the screws almost daily.. right?? only fair to ask for a bit of lube.. lol
My swelling is horrible. The pain is horrible.. lots of things to deal with , but at least today I have a fighting chance.. my head is clear. I can think.. so thats a plus. I cant control my hands.. have already dropped food, dishes, towels, drinks.. just about everything I have touched has been an issue this morning. I even had to change clothes twice already because of being covered by gravy and coffee.. my dogs learned early this a.m. to stay a good distance away from me today.. hahhaha Gonna take thigs slow today and keep in low gear for safety reasons of course. I dont do well in slow mode, but once again I say... cant control certain things so I must adapt.
Going to take advantage of the rainy grey day and try to rest while all is quiet and dogs are resting and house is empty and sort of peaceful.. bedroom here I come.. maybe a movie.. if firestick allows.. hahha
Happy Friday out there. I will be back later most likely.. I am full of so many things to get out...