Thursday, July 11, 2019

Coping w/ Auto-Immune Diseases

Coping with disease is different for everyone. Everyone has their own reaction, plan of attack, and methods of madness. One thing about the "unseen" diseases though... is the way we see ourselves and the way others see us.. makes a huge difference. You don't know.. unless you suffer from them .. one or more issues... matters not. The effect is there and no one sees it !!!
They hear us talk, they see us struggle, and they get tired of hearing us whine.. only if they knew.
I personally have many issues I deal with. When I acquired that one.. MS.. it opened the flood gates and now I deal with many.. It is an extreme challenge to get through the day.. and no one around me understands that in the least. I know I am not the lone ranger is this situation.. many people face this problem.. because most people do not know how to deal with things they cant see.. We are just human like that I suppose.
Prayers for the countless today myself.. that are just trying to make it through today ~