Thursday, August 29, 2019

Update on the Blueberry issue...

So after reading my other entry and then reading this update.. I am sure you will start to understand how my life generaly works.. especially when I say its up and down. This seems to be the constant and that is why I cant find a stable happy medium most days.. it just like skips that part... every damn time.. HEHEHHE.
Recap: Was screwed over by a Cali store when buying some Blueberry air freshener.. I was stuck with no refund, no exchange, 4 bottles of shit I didn't order .. and was fighting with the company, Amazon Prime, and my hubby.. It was crazy stuff !! I cant make this stuff up Y'all… lol
Anyway, after I posted yesterday morning I getta text from my hubby saying they had refunded his money after a couple weeks.. and I said well that's great.. now we need to get the money back for my messed up order especially since it was their fault.. the whole ordeal... GGGRRR..
The hubby went in account... sent a quick message and bammmm just like that the process was being over turned.. I guess they just didnt want to deal with a woman,,shit IDK. He gets home is corresponding nicely with them and by dinner time.. He got the other order refunded.. WTH? The whole scenario just mind fucked me.. LMAO.. Plus, I also was sent the other sprays I ordered that the PO had for me.. all orders complete, all refunds done.. all good as my peach cobbler.. OMG.. 
Moving on... SMH