Saturday, August 24, 2019

Where would I be w/o coffee...

When others don't take one second to be thankful what for what has been given to them.. that gets me a bit hot under the collar.. I am letting that stuff get to me.. and I am trying soooo hard to let that stuff go, but it is nearly impossible.. cuz I am plagued with it 24/7/365.
Everyone forgets that not only do their choices effect them, but all around them. Hello PEOPLE,,, wake up damn it~ Perfect example: My youngest daughter.. every time she screws up it costs us money.. and she seems to not think about that aspect of her circumstances.. GGRRR.. I hope one day she will put that towards at least helping others that have gone down that same path she choose. Again.. I will stay positive.. IT COULD HAPPEN.. IT COULD.. MAYBE ,, ONE DAY.

Morning giggle... Coffee spelled backwards is eeffoc.. so just know that I don't get a eeffoc until I have had my coffee.. LMAO
Saturday fun Facts...
You cant see your ears without a mirror
You cant count your hairs
You can not breath through your nose with your tongue out
You just tested that !!
You are smiling right now..  GOTCHA .. HA