Chaps my ass right now. My finger nails are dying off again too.. grrr.. but only on my left hand.. I am mostly rigt handed but my left takes the worst of it all .. how weird. GO FIGURE.. hahah .. yup another strange fun fact about me.
So upset with people again today.. just torturing myself.. I really have no friends and ppl that care about me.. oh well. I need to find a way to let it go.. FUCK THEM ALL.
I need to stop supporting people, reaching out, being nice etc.. I always stand there with the door open for others and then people walk by.. shrug, and them somehow always seem to slam the door back in my face.. MY FAULT.. I need to stop that shit !
I dont care even if it selfless December.. I am selfless all the time.. and I am literally surrounded by selfish assholes that some how find away to always say .. shits not about me. ! I will soon go alone and full of sorrow.. but not for me.. for them.. because they will be the ones that will soon be sad ..NOT I .. I will finally be free !!