Oh, the shit Health update.. where to begin?... Blood and more blood in my mouth daily. Bones, tongue, throat, teeth, my whole mouth.. all getting worse and no one knows how bad , cuz no one listens to me and or cares any more.. so I just bare the pain and bullshit,.. so I just keep on.. keeping on. I still wake up every morning.. and the shit still is shit.. one day at a time.
The red bumps ( rash) still come and go.. or some stay.. looks like sepsis .. but what do I know after all right.. who the fuck knows any more. Dont eat much.. only reason I stay from 162-175 lbs.. is because I eat shit junk food and sweets.. but that is making my mouth and teeth horrible.. so I swap one evil for another one really. It just is !
I still am fighting off infections in the masses. I get sick- when anyone looks at me pretty much.. the usual. Insomnia is killing me.. I live on sleeping pills just to get 2 hours of sleep everyday. It sux ass.. My back is bad again.. my muscles and bones get worse everyday... eyes, bad.. ears bad.. i have infections and etc with right ear,, and I am pretty sure I have the end of a q-tip stuck down in my ear canal.. I am so lost and so just done. Tremors are bad.. internal and external.. what's new ? and i am pretty sure I had another TIA... yesterday. My stress level and things are horrible. The anxiety is literally killing me..
I have fallen numerous times in the last 2 months. I have lost eye sight in right eye.. hearing.. and still my balance is so off.. I run into everything 50 times .. everyday.. I cant seem to get that squared away and in check, I am just lost most days.. So much more.. but my eyes and thoughts, are now foggy and head hurts so I am getting off for now. ALL IS JUST GGGRRRRRR.. I will check back in later with more info..