If I plant a garden and stuff is growing like crazy and just beautiful and then just like that.. it gets tromped on and is gone.. that means.. ummm.. I wont be here to enjoy that garden and or take care of it.. so it is NOT meant to be.. Yes, that is the message. ! IT IS NOT GOING TO GROW.. I don't need a garden .
Another big example: when you have a candle burning and you blow it out and walk away.. and about a few feet away.. you turn back and the candle relights... YEAH, IF THATS NOT A SIGN … I AM NOT SURE WHAT IS.. that one however is a lot harder to interpret... I am still working on that one for fuck sake.. its a hard one. ahahhahahah
The extreme feeling I have been having inside my head and brain.. well been researching.. that is Tremors too, from what I can see. However.. it is another Disease I have acquired.. along with my MS and other ones. Can't remember what it is called at the moment .. but it mimics Parkinson's.. pretty much. the intense ones like I am having are the worst and it is my sign.. I wont be around much longer. ( good sign right here).
Always look for signs my friends.. THEY ARE THERE and tell us all we need to know !!