Skin diseases running a muck. My legs are even being effected now.. My brain is playing tricks on me.. My tremors are all inward now mostly, and I keep experiencing a sensation in my head.. was in first and it felt weird like someone was reaching their hands inside my head.. I would feel strange shit like 3 or 4 times.. then it would stop.. Now it is on the side of my head more intense .. feels different and stronger and it is in a different spot and it has gone from like 4 or 5 to like 12-15 times. I cant explain and I am unsure if its mini strokes.. not the same as before.. or if it is Tremors of the brain.. dont know if that is possible..?? or what it is. All I know is I am trying to keep track of it. I have to write everything down again.. I am getting very confused and forgetful now some times.. and trapped inside.. Its like I hear and try to answer and I am processing.. but it doesn't want to come out my mouth.. so even answers and reaction times are getting very bad. No one seems to be worried though and everyone around me still just ignores it all.. so whatevs I SUPPOSE !
Trying to say calm and less stressed.. almost impossible here, but trying hard.. This helps for the moment.. the Blueberry .. oh.. the Blueberry. STICKING WITH CANDLES FOR NOW...