Doesn't care what I am feeling or doing at any moment pretty much
You made choices and now you are suffering all the consequences, and I cant and wont help you anymore PERIOD. and bringing me shit to try to make me forget how you just hurt me.. DOESNT FIX SHIT.. NOT NOW.. NOT EVEN CLOSE.. NOR EVER !
I will die before ever getting to meet and see my Granbabies
Wanting to get new family bracelet with names or stones.. but WHY? aint gonna matter.. so new outlook..not gonna happen
Start taking care of your own shit. I cant do it anymore.. fuck sake you are almost 27
If someone loves you and wants to communicate with you.. THEY WILL !!!!
You choose to lie, hurt me, step away and close me out.. Take some responsibility for once
You wanted to reconnect or connect with me.. only to fuck with my head, use my shit, and make my life worse. Thanks
Waiting for an apology which I will die before it comes. .I know.. multiple people. yep
There has to be a two way street for communication and love . Cant and will not ever work if one sided and no reciprocation involved !
I never make it about me,, it has always been everyone else.. NOW IT WILL BE ABOUT ME. I can not live in unnecessary guilt, hurt and bs anymore especially for shit I didn't do,, or wasn't my fault etc. I have said my apologies and tried over and over with nothing from your end.. so it is only fair that finally after all these years I MAKE SOMETHING FINALLY ABOUT ME. and not you, you, or even you guys !
You choose no compromise.. no give and take.. now you will regret that and get your 3 fold karma dessert. Just a fact, not me being yucky
Just because you finally choose to involve us.. with no concern about what you did etc.. and we didn't jump to yours and yours every whim.. I will not be at fault again especially for being sick and looking out for myself,, when you have gone 7 years without talking and all the BS. I exit outta a group text message.. your feelings get hurt.. sorry for that.. but I couldn't do it physically . mentally etc.. and I got blasted.. don't see how those things even compare.. but everything came down as my fault again. I understand your feelings somehow got hurt.. cuz you finally wanted too share with us.. but this was after you felt you had no choice.. sept you started your stuff.. didn't share with us until March.. then I get blamed for stupid shit.. you just knew you couldn't lie anymore and hide stuff as usual.. I don't now expect anything less from any of you.
I didn't know what you were going through with your process.. but you never knew nor CARED ABOUT MY STRUGGLES WITH JUST GETTING TRHOUGH EACH DAY. No calls. no texts..nothing but you sure could make time and communicate with EVERYONE else.. and made sure I saw it.. You choose the path. You choose to lie and be deceitful.. why do I have to keep giving , trying, and bending for you.. I did 20 some odds years almost for you.. now I am going to do for me !!
Strokes, Hospital stays .. sick everyday beyond your comprehension.. yet never ..not even now.. just a text that says I love you Mom.. Have a good day.. or fuck anything.
Bending over for everyone stops now.
YOU ALL KNOW THE TRUTH.. AS DO I.. so if you choose to stay in denial that is on you.. I made my peace and now can step away for me.. if I have to.
Drinking buggies and stuff in your luke warm coffee in the a.m... hummm.. yeah that will boost my nutrition for the day !!
Expensive WX sun glasses. I don't need and will barely ever use.. especially since you take me no where.. Didn't want.. didn't ask for.. etc.. but I will get shit treatment unless now I use them.. one more way I get made to be the bad guy.. all the unneeded BS has got to go.
You make no effort.. I will neither from this day forward!
So many facts to share and as they have been brewing in my head now for hours.. I had to say them. So many more.. but I should probably stop.. I am already sick and if I want to make it through this day.. I need to stop now for ME !!!
* MORE TO COME LATER.. but probably nothing new to report except how you are all still blaming me and continuing your chosen path of what ever ya wanna call it. I admit my wrongs. I admit my short coming.. I am real.. and I say my I AM SORRYs.. Sad that you cant do that. I hope someday that will change and you will become a BETTER PERSON FOR YOU AND OTHERS..