It amazes me how sometimes I can go, go , go.. with lyrics from all the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's songs going through my head and actually be singing out loud and then I walk into the kitchen and I go completely brain dead and forget what I originally intended on doing? I have to now.. walk back out of kitchen.. and start my tracks over.. a literal rewind to think about what I was gonna do. It is crazy I know.. but a literal rewind.. is the trick.. for now anyways.. until that too stops working. Then I will have to come up with something new... Trial and error .. it is always trial and error.
When ya get up and put something in the oven to cook.. aren't you suppose to keep track of what you are cooking? I mean.. really putting something in the oven and just walking away.. and assuming others will finish cooking it.. and then get upset.. even though they saved what you were cooking.. cuz you were burning it.. wow . The crap I put up with.. not a thank you for saving my shit, but all the other BS instead. What a crazy world my house insides in !! Twilight Zone aint got shit on me.. ~