When you go to the laptop thinking you are gonna post all the latest while it is fresh on the mind.. and guess what? Ha no internet.. man.. ok so this makes many days now internet issues.. starting to really get me. It is worse too when I really want on and or need on for something,, or really want to use my fire stick for a show or movie.. ggrrr.. So here is the 1st cheers to the day.. Thank you Internet for always being so predictable. lol
Coffee keeps getting cold. Damn.. That is a problem especially this a.m. at 0 dark 30. Seriously.. 2nd cheers already.. to cold coffee.. ahah. Man I am already on a roll and just got started.
Going to be a super fab day y'all. Need more coffee because ya know drinking since 0340 isn't enough yet. LMAO😀✋
Just ordered my other new book.. Mark Levin Books.. yay me. I am excited.
Oh yes.. a huge TY to my hubby and his friends.. for having me up and starting my day off at 0310 .. and fisherman outside my house.. ready to go.. while all others sleep at ya know.. 0340 ! Not them.. They are on a Fishing mission.. lol
Which now leads to my next thought.. I have a question for all the guys out there....an ya might wanna think carefully before you send me your answers with this one and you better hope you know your wife and or significant other WELL.. I MEAN VERY WELL.. before you throw an answer out there.
Ready.. ok so.. when you get them a Happy Bday balloon a day early and hide it so they wont see it.. and you completely forget about the balloon .. because ya know.. you are thinking about other stuff.. like ya know.. fishing or something.. and 3 days later.. you bring the balloon in and say here ya go honey.. Do you give her balloon and say I forgot it? or do you just chalk it up to yea I fucked up, but she wont know.. I will just get rid of it and all will be ok? Only these 2 choice guys.. Which one say you????
Just so ya know my man choose the wrong answer. AAAHHHggg .. X's across the board !
Funny now. Not so funny earlier. I was beyond upset. How can he forget something like that !! DAMN.