Tryin to stay positive or if I get tooooo nuts.. to reel myself back in.. roller coaster y'all and its worse this week with full moon.. Friday the 13th, Special meteor shower.. special moon.. alignments that are nuts.. etc... TOO MUCH GOING ON TO TYPE ABOUT.
I am nuts, animals are nuts.. most people and things are nuts.. IT JUST IS … DEAL WITH IT.
Lists all over my table and random to and fro about...I go.. The confusion is thick today.
So health update for those that care..People seem to forget that not only do I have MS, but also a Lupas rare issue, and many other AMD's and etc.. so my world just gets worse on the daily.
Here is the list... so if nothing else I can look back at it if I need to..
Confusion and memory loss
Diarrhea and Nausea
Tummy virus
eye issues
bit crazy depression and emotions high
UTI and other infection through whole body right now
Marks on face ,neck now spreading down chest
Left side
left hand bad.. upper arms bad
Tongue cramps and pain swallowing issue again.
Lips and mouth .. off And on
swellin and weight up and down from 164 to 176 lbs.. most I have weighed.. crazy ,, grrr
left foot ..2nd toe.. cramps constant
both feet.. bottoms getting and staying numb.
head bad.. head aches and all
Coordination bad
Anal muscle issue Over all .. all bad except white stuff gone.. and nails doing better.
some moments I am ok and can talk and function.. other moments I cant do anything.
So many infections viral and bacterial.. been fighting flu and other bugs.. ggrrrr
jade not helping and phil not helping either.. I give up.
And there it is in a nut shell..